
¡bienvenido!      مرحب      Bonjour!     Доброе утро! 

Meryem Berrada

(mer-ee-uhm)     (ber-uh-duh) 

e-mail: mberrada@uwo.ca

Academic life 

My current research focuses of measuring the properties of metals and alloys at high pressures and temperatures. These properties are necessary to properly estimate the heat flow in the interior of planets, as well as the age of their magnetic field.


I am motivated to always challenge myself and improve my character. A recent challenge was the development of a program through MatLab. The program automatically analyzes the voltage recorded during an experiment and converts it to electrical resistivity and thermal conductivity. Feel free to contact me if you would like to take a look!

Personal life

I enjoy swimming, surfing, hiking, and climbing. I have a lifeguard training as well as a Scuba Diving Rescue certificate.  In my free time, I look for dark sky reserves to do astrophotography. I also paint and participate to exhibitions and shows in my community. 

Take a look at my art page !